Trimpley Water Treatment Works – IKO Polimar
Project description
IKO were asked by Summers Inman to carry out a roof appraisal of 3 buildings at Trimpley WTW. The GAC, DAF and Clarifier Buildings. The plastisol sheets were showing certain signs of initial breakdown with reported water ingress to the building.
It would be prudent to undertake work to affect their waterproofing integrity before costs become more expensive with the replacement of the sheets completely.

Solution and installation
The IKO Cladding Refurbishment System (CRS) was chosen, extending the life expectancy of the roofs with a 10 year guarantee from IKO PLC.
The existing coating was de-bonding from the plastisol sheets with bare metal showing in places, signs of water damage prior to rusting. Sections of ridge flashings had worked their way loose and were missing from several locations on three of the roofs.
An internal inspection revealed tarpaulins covering machinery from water ingress. The central gutter area to the DAF building was blocked with water and vegetation was growing.
The overflow pipe was too high in the gutter to be considered of a useful purpose, so this was shortened to aid drainage and water flow. The client was updated weekly with progress reports, keeping the project too budget and on time.