Gorse Hill Primary School, Stretford – IKOslate
Project description
The existing waterproofing had failed due to a previous poor installation, the result of which saturated the insulation below the exterior roofing. New high performance solutions were specified that included a range of IKO roofing waterproofing systems to protect both the flat and pitched roofing areas of the building.
IKOslate, a robust and durable tile was specified for the pitched roof due to vandalism and the fragility of the current system, whereas a tapered scheme was required for the flat roofing – IKO Ultra Prevent alongside a cold applied liquid solution (IKO Polimar) for the more intricate details.
Darren Holding, Senior Contracts Manager Connolly Ltd, was very impressed with the composite roof tile. ‘It’s a brilliant product, second to none when it comes to schools or buildings with accessible roofs. The IKOslate roofing tiles are much lighter than traditional slates, easier to handle and there’s less waste.’