Live hot-air welding will show the remarkable qualities of IKO Polymeric’s Spectraplan TPE membrane on stand B4/1005 at the Build Show this October. The BBA certified single ply combines the best performance characteristics of PVC and EPDM membranes – and can be welded between 200-600˚C!
IKO Polymeric Managing Director, Anthony Carlyle, gives further details: “Spectraplan is identical in look and feel to PVC but being able to weld at low temperatures means detailing is much easier. At high temperatures, it can be machine-welded at 6/7 linear metres a minute. Repairs (if required) can be made without a patch and, the weld becomes as strong as the membrane. Visitors can test it on stand to see!”

Spectraplan also has very good environmental characteristics. It’s free from chlorine and plasticisers and doesn’t require solvents for installation. It’s also manufactured to ISO 9001 and 14001 for quality and environmental management and BES 6001 for responsible sourcing of products.
Show discounts of up to 10% will also be available to those who order on the day.