Bellman’s Auctioneers, West Sussex – IKOpro Acrylic Roof Coat
Project description
IKOpro Acrylic Roof Coat has been used to provide a quick and seamless waterproof solution to a leaking roof at Bellman’s Auctioneers & Valuers in West Sussex. Local building contractor M Holmes Construction completed the 160m2 job in just 4 days, and was very impressed by the amount of time saved.
The parapet roof situated over the offices of well-known Billinghurst auctioneer, Bellman’s had come to the end of its natural life, with continual water ingress through the outlets and copings causing issues for the floors below.
M Holmes Construction were called in to survey the job and recommend a long term, cost effective solution that would in turn cause minimal disruption to the staff working in the offices below.
With the help and guidance of local builders’ merchant Alsfords Timber based in Horsham, the contractor recommended the two-coat liquid waterproofing solution from IKO PLC to the client.
Remedial work was first carried out to the parapets and 18mm OSB boards were then installed to the verticals over the existing felt. The main roof deck was checked for imperfections and repairs made before laying the first layer of IKOpro Acrylic Roof Coat using a standard roller.
IKOpro GRF 100gm reinforcement fleece was then laid and rolled into the wet resin to ensure the mesh was fully embedded. It was then allowed to cure before applying the top coat.
Wayne Hollands
Contracts Manager for M Holmes Construction
The beauty of this system is that you don’t have to re deck the roof, unlike some alternative liquid systems. So this means you save one day of labour, typically four men on a job this size, plus material costs.
Wayne and his team started the job on the Monday and completed it on Thursday. If they had re decked the roof they would not have been off site until Friday.
In branch the IKOpro Acrylic Roof Coat benefits from being easy to display – there are only 3 components to the system, so it takes up minimal space.
IKOpro Acrylic Roof Coat is designed to give up to 10 years protection on both flat and pitched roofs when used in conjunction with the correct reinforcement.