Euston Station, London – IKO Polimar
Project description
Euston Station is one of the UK’s busiest train stations with approximately 70 million commuters travelling to the West Midlands, North West, North Wales and parts of Scotland. Rebuilt in the 1960’s, the 55,000m2 roof area was in an advanced stage of deterioration.
IKO PLC liaised with installing roofing contractors Weatherproofing Advisors to refine the specification. Working with the public, and in a rail environment, Weatherproofing Advisors had the added challenge of completing the works through what has been documented as the worst winter in 50+ years.

Parcel Roof (20,000m2):
The roof membrane had completely failed, exposing the insulation and metal deck. The existing 137 Georgian Wired Glazed Units were also severely degraded and required replacing.
The solution was to remove the existing membrane and insulation down to the metal deck and replace with new vapour barrier, 25mm thick insulation board mechanically fixed in to the metal deck and new IKO Mach One elastomeric felt system.
The Georgian Wired Glass (GWG) was removed, and purpose made triple skin polycarbonate rooflights were installed utilising the existing kerbs and finished with polished aluminium flashings.
Platform Roof (25,000m2):
The Kalzip roof although in relatively good condition, was suffering from water ingress via the rooflights and flashings. There was also evidence of joint failure in the gutters and parapets.
The solution was to install an IKO Polimar High Performance coating system to the gutters, parapets, flashings and rooflight curbs.
Concourse Roof (10,000m2):
The various felt roofs suffered from severe ponding water. This coupled with flashing failure above the retail units had resulted in widespread water ingress.
The existing felt roofs were thermally scanned revealing around 1,000m2 of defective insulation which required replacement. The 3,000m2 high level roofs were overlaid using the IKO Mach One system.
Whilst a complete tapered insulation scheme was installed to the mid and low level roofs totalling approximately 7,500m2 complete with the IKO Mach One felt system.