
How do you prevent moss from damaging your roof?

The first step to take in preventing moss growth on your roof is to try increase the amount of sunlight it gets. Although this could be difficult with the typical UK weather, you can aid the process by trimming overhanging tree branches that cast constant shadows on the roof.

All debris such as leaves and sticks should be removed as soon as possible, and gutters must remain well-maintained to ensure that water flows off the roof as fast as possible.

A lot of roofers recommend the installation of zinc strips close to the peak as zinc becomes a natural moss killer when it comes into contact with rainwater. Copper strips can also be used instead of zinc with a very similar effect.

IKOpro Algae and Fungi Remover can also be used on all outside surfaces, including brickwork, tiles, slates, facades, flooring, glasswork, wood, plastics, bitumen shingles and bituminous roofing.

Despite how you choose to address the moss problem on your roof, it is important to always put your own health and safety first.

If you are doubtful of your own ability to perform the required tasks, rather enlist the help of a professional roofing company that will be able to carry out the job swiftly and safely while you remain with both feet planted firmly on the ground.

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