
What is a single point guarantee?

Single point guarantees are often preferred by specifiers and building owners, as the responsibility for all the elements of the guarantee, including workmanship defects, material quality/performance issues and design input, is placed with the product manufacturer.

If there is a problem with the roof during service, the client has only to call the manufacturer to get the matter resolved, regardless of whether the defect is material or workmanship related.

When a single point roofing guarantee is offered by the leading UK manufacturer of roofing and waterproofing materials, as in the case of IKO PLC, the assurance that this provides is of major value, and the additional peace of mind for the client is almost incalculable.

A single point guarantee can be a major factor in maximising the rental value of a property, as potential tenants will know that any roof problems will be rectified quickly.

In addition, as the guarantee is fully transferable to a new owner, a single point guarantee can also have a significant and positive impact on the final sale value of a property.

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