
Mastic asphalt screed is manufactured from modified bitumen with limestone fillers and specially graded aggregates. It has many advantages compared to traditional screeds, including its durability and speed of curing.

Crucially for many projects, IKO mastic asphalt screed products help towards achieving the Carbon Zero standard. This makes them perfectly suited for any sustainable projects.

Mastic asphalt screed can be used for a variety of internal flooring tasks and external installations, such as balconies, walkways, and terraces in both new buildings and refurbishments.

The screed provides a stable base for levelling uneven surfaces and for drainage falls that remove the need for tapered insulation; there is no need for compacting. The solution is voidless, durable, and compatible with a range of surfacing systems.

The depth of the screed level when using mastic asphalt can be reduced to 10mm. This provides up to 80% reduction in weight and thickness against traditional concrete screeds.

The installation requires heat but is relatively easy and fast. Once installed, mastic asphalt screed can be used as soon as the solution has cooled down to an ambient temperature (on average within a day).

This allows the building to be handed over earlier and other trades can access the site faster, therefore streamlining project scheduling and helping towards earlier project completion.

Key benefits to your project

  • Rapid application that avoids the prolonged curing time connected with wet screeds.
  • The surface can be used or covered with a compatible surface once the mastic asphalt screed has cooled to an ambient temperature.
  • IKO is a member of the Mastic Asphalt Council (MAC), offering quality assurance across the full range of IKO mastic asphalt products.
  • Durable, voidless surface.
    Suitable for levelling uneven substrates and does not require compacting.
  • IKO mastic asphalt products help towards achieving the Carbon Zero standard.

“This is the first time I have been involved in a project incorporating IKO Permascreed. I have been really impressed at the speed and ease in which it is installed to form drainage falls. There is no curing time so the flat roof waterproofing works can follow on immediately. It’s a real time saver!”

Jamie Jones
Package Manager
Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd

Mastic asphalt screed​

IKO Permascreed LI

  • Up to 46% lower embodied carbon.
  • Suitable for levelling uneven flat roofs to eliminate back falls and deflections.
  • Easily creates a wide range of drainage falls.
Mastic asphalt screed​

IKO Permascreed H (Heavy Duty)

  • Can be walked on and waterproofed once cooled.
  • Zero water content – no curing.
  • Compatible with a wide range of waterproofing systems.