What is the fire rating of single ply membranes?
The fire rating of a single ply membrane is determined through standardised testing methods, which consider the complete flat roof system from the structural deck upwards. There are different fire
The fire rating of a single ply membrane is determined through standardised testing methods, which consider the complete flat roof system from the structural deck upwards. There are different fire
A single ply membrane can be used to provide the waterproofing finish for a pitched roof, and there is no limit on the slope of the roof for which it
What is BIM? Within the construction industry, BIM is a topic of much confusion and misunderstanding. There have been many articles and blogs written about BIM which never really answer
A lot of rain is falling onto flat roofs, and from the dawning day of the flat roofs, it always has done. So, the question is when designing flat roof
A frequently posed question when designing flat roofs is “What upstand height do I need?” On the face of it a simple question with, one may think, a simple answer.
What is a roofing capsheet? Roofing felt also known as reinforced bitumen membranes (RBMs) comes in many types and for every budget. They are an effective way to waterproof flat
What size clout nails should I use? Clout nails should be 15mm large head clout nails. I will also need to overlap the felt, how much overlap should I use?
Want to refelt your own shed but not sure how? Struggling to find any guidance? This step-by-step guide will help you from the very moment you take the shed felt
There is no such thing as a quick fix when it comes to a roof’s waterproofing installation – there is only doing it properly. If installed correctly, modern high-performance waterproof